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THE TAROT GUIDE [From Beginners to Professionals] (PDF)
Get a new experience in fortune telling. Complete rider waite reading.
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 "Tarot cards" come in a variety of forms and are interpreted variously according to the prediction terrain.   
Later, when it entered the 18th century, it was interpreted as a similar form because in those day tarot cards were already widely recognized in the science of fortune telling, and until 1909, the Ryder Waite card was drawn by Pamela Coleman Smith and recognized worldwide to the picture of the cards. The art that was said to be the world's most widespread pop art.
This guide is perfect for practicing card reading and reading predictions for beginners who have never studied tarot cards before. The professional fortunetellers can use this guide.   Using simple language explanation techniques, it is not difficult to figure out, the sequence of events can follow, but first. It is necessary to study a little bit with the understanding of the underlying cards as follows.
Tarot cards have a total of 78 cards, with two groups: Minor Arcana and Major Arcana.
1. The Major Arcana series, also referred to as the "large set of cards" , is a card with 22 main meanings.
2. The Minor Arcana series, also referred to as the "small set of cards" , is a card with 40 situation meanings and 16 individual cards, totaling 56 cards.
In interpretation, first take the order from taking the meaning of a large set of cards and expand the meaning such as how big the obstacle is, how good the love is, etc. Because it is considered to support the small set of cards, but many people who have studied tarot cards may still be curious or difficult to understand because each card can be interpreted broadly and especially connecting cards to clarify the situation. This tarot guide book may be a solution for many people who have difficulty interpreting cards, to understand them better.


Chapter 1 Adjust the basic fortune tellers.................................1
1.1 Get acquainted with tarot cards........................................1
1.2 Data input provides tarot cards.........................................3
1.3 Tarot card criminal...........................................................4
1.4 A person’s card problem with fortune tellers......................5
- The power of four elements and symbol.............................7
- Person’s age and shape cards............................................8
- Elements and 12 zodiac cards..........................................11
Chapter 2 The meaning of all 78 cards...................................13
Number 0 The Fool .............................................................16
Number 1 The Magician.......................................................18
Number 2 The High Priestess...............................................20
Number 3 The Empress.......................................................22
Number 4 The Emperor ......................................................24
Number 5 The Hierophant...................................................26
Number 6 The Lovers..........................................................28
Number 7 The Chariot.........................................................30
Number 8 Strength..............................................................32
Number 9 The Hermit..........................................................34
Number 10 Wheel of Fortune ...............................................36
Number 11 Justice...............................................................38
Number 12 The Hanged Man................................................40
Number 13 Death.................................................................42
Number 14 Temperance .......................................................44
Number 15 The Devil............................................................46
Number 16 The Tower.......................................................... 48
Number 17 The Star..............................................................50
Number 18 The Moon...........................................................52
Number 19 The Sun..............................................................54
Number 20 Judgement .........................................................56
Number 21 The World...........................................................58
King of Cups........................................................................60
King of Wands......................................................................62
King of Swords.....................................................................64
King of Pentacles..................................................................66
Queen of Cups......................................................................68
Queen of Wands...................................................................70
Queen of Swords..................................................................72
Queen of Pentacles...............................................................74
Knight of Cups......................................................................76
Knight of Wands....................................................................78
Knight of Swords...................................................................80
Knight of Pentacles................................................................82
Page of Cups.........................................................................84
Page of Wands......................................................................86
Page of Swords.....................................................................88
Page of Pentacles..................................................................90
Additional interpretation techniques of person cards..................92
A meaningful prediction of a military ranks. ..............................93
Card number one. The cards of the beginning. ........................95
Card number two. The cards of duality. ...................................96
Card number three. The cards of celebration. ..........................97
Card number four. The cards of regulation framing. .................98
Card number five. The cards of despair card. ..........................99
Card number six. The cards of results. ..................................100
Card number seven. The cards of sophistication. ...................101
Card number eight. The cards of magnification. .....................102
Card number nine. The cards of fulfillment. ...........................103
Card number ten. The cards of perfection. ............................104
Define the implicit meaning of each card. .................................105
1. The highest monetary fortune cards. .................................106
2. The cards with criteria to get married. ...............................106
3. The cards mean childbearing, pregnancy. ...........................106
4. Foretell the child’s gender from the cards. ..........................107
5. The cards that conveys the family’s
return of birth. ....................................................................107
6. Cards that convey travel. ....................................................107
7. The cards that conveys being the other wife. ......................108
Chapter 3 Fifteenth spreads for all prediction. ..........................111
Type one, three cards spread look at the
Daily situation. ...................................................................111
The second type, Celtic Cross spread. ....................................115
The third type, Question and Answer spread. .........................123
The fourth type, Horseshoe spread. .......................................124
The fifth type, Love spread. ..................................................126
The sixth type, the Age to be Rich spread. .............................127
The seventh type, Working spread. ........................................129
The eighth type, Study spread. ..............................................130
The ninth type, Family spread. ...............................................131
The tenth type, body health spread. .......................................132
The eleventh type, the Wheel of Fortune spread. .....................134
The twelfth type, Luck Direction spread. ..................................137
The thirteenth type, check the Energy
on Your Face spread. ...........................................................138
The fourteenth type, check the Energy
In your Home spread. ..........................................................140
The fifteenth type, check Something’s energy
With Pentagram spread. .......................................................143
The Tarot cards Elements. ........................................................145
The energy adjustment summary table. ...................................147
Element table of Major arcana cards. .......................................149
The Heart of Prediction. ...........................................................151
Chapter 4 Real prediction. ........................................................154
4.1 Three of cards reading. ......................................................154
Guess the general situation from 3 of cards. ...........................155
The question: What will be loving like today? ..........................156
The question: How is the work going today? ...........................156
The question: What will be trading today? ...............................157
4.2 Celtic Cross reading. ...........................................................158
4.3 Questions and Answers reading. ..........................................162
The question: The finances next month
to be good or not? ..............................................................162
The question: Would love next month to be good?162
The question: Will I be able to study abroad
Next month? .......................................................................163
4.4 Horseshoe cards reading. .....................................................164
The question: How is the work going next month? ....................164
The question: What will love be like this month? .......................165
The question: What will be the finances next month? ................166
4.5 Love spread reading. ...........................................................167
4.6 The Age to be Rich reading. .................................................170
The question: When will I get rich? ..........................................170
4.7 Workplace reading. ..............................................................171
The question: What will be the working situation
this year? ..............................................................................172
4.8 The School or The University reading. ....................................173
The question: What will be the studying situation
this year?...............................................................................173
4.9 Family spread reading. ..........................................................174
4.10 Body Health reading. ..........................................................175
4.11 Reading cards for business options. .....................................177
The question: What should I open between
a drink bar and an eyebrow tattoo shop?..................................177
The question: How do customers increase? ................................178
The question: What kind of customer group
for my business?.....................................................................180
4.12 Fortune spread reading........................................................181
The question: Will I have a good fortune today?........................181
4.13 Best Direction reading.........................................................183
The question: What is the best direction of my trip?..................183
4.14 Energy on Face reading. .....................................................184
4.15 Energy in House reading......................................................186
4.16 Check something’s energy reading........................................187
Chapter 5 Supplementary chapter. ..............................................189
Example for reading cards in positive and
negative action. ........................................................................189
Read the target audience from
the 40 number cards .................................................................193


First of all, I have to apologize to everyone for my incomplete English grammar. I started studying tarot card reading at 16 years old. I am fond of the Rider Waite series of cards because of the pictures that convey the full meaning. The first book that i learned was written in my native language. I am very fond of how to make predictions using tarot cards. Often, I use tarot card prediction to earn income after school. Until I worked in a travel company, I had extra income from fortune telling. Now i am currently 41 years old. Over time, I studied how to read more cards from English books. Until I had enough experience to pass it on to people in my country.

I am currently a recognized tarot card reading instructor. For the various techniques I wrote in this book, I use them regularly. It is suitable for beginners up to the level of professional fortune tellers.

The highlight of my book is that
- Can use tarot cards in all questions.
- The ability of tarot cards that ordinary people may never experience.
- Use tarot cards as a consultant for everyday life.
- Use tarot cards to answer suspicions about business.
- Tarot card reading in various meanings.
- Examples of fortune telling and card reading in various questions

For this book, I will use the word instead of those who do tarot card reading with "Fortune tellers" and I will use the word instead of the fortune owner or the answer recipient with "Predictors".

Let's all get a new experience from my book.
Thank you all for your support.When you reading and interpreting tarot cards, we value the large set of cards or Major Arcana, because it is a set of 22 cards that gives a rather broad meaning and is a more powerful meaning than the set of 56 minor arcana already mentioned in the first chapter. Which the habits of the 22 major sets of cards can be linked to the prediction of your destiny's stories when you predicting who's destiny. It represents the main influential mind and the composite card represents the direction of the surrounding influences. The basis of fate that the card openers want to know is love, finance, work, study, and deciding a particular subject, and tarot cards are good choices for these questions.
With respect to the 78 tarot cards that I've arranged, this focus is on understanding the identity of each card by allowing us to imagine one card instead of one person or character, or one situation, and you have to get to know these people who will help you solve someone's life. Where these cards permeate into a situation, in a sense, or media, instead of who they are. You first need to know which card habit plays the most important role in predicting which question and what's going on, so you can know, when those cards appear, it means best or worst, so in opening one set of cards, the important thing we need to know is which means, good, medium, or bad to predict the direction of composition prediction more accurately. In this case, I have already summarized in this book, will be divided into three orders.
1. Large set of 22 Major Arcana cards
1. All 16 instead of the individual cards in the Minor Arcana series.
3. Sequence number cards 1-10 each in Minor Arcana series. [40 cards in total]

Tarot cards, also known as gipsy cards was born in Europe in the 13th century. It was originally used as a card game during the war break, called tarot card game, and later became popular as Tarocchi game in Italy. At that time, Romani immigrant tribes were scattered throughout France and Europe, then were called Gypsies. They are ability to predict accurately. Initially it was with the use of prophetic marbles, but when European churches gave no feedback and interpreted them as the witch and sorcerers, the Gypsies took tarot cards and used them to predict, the results of which were so accurate that they were accepted. For this reason, it is the place where tarot cards are used to predict fate.
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